There Is Always Someone Out

There Is Always Someone Out There To Loves Us
 Throughout my life, I have always been afraid of losing the people I love, but then, sometimes I wonder, is there anyone out there afraid of losing me. 
One reality that we must all come to accept in life, even in times that we feel completely alone is that there is always someone out there to love us. We will always have the unconditional love of God whether we accept it or not, and there is usually always going to be love in our lives from our peers and families as well, as long as we are willing to accept that just because some may love us in a certain way, maybe a way that leaves us desiring more, but still love us in their own way.

Going through life, thinking about things in this manner, as in doubting if everyone loves you in the same ways that you love them, doesnt do anything but bring negative and destructive forces to your life. When you find yourself wondering about if people really love and care for you like they may imply that they do, remember to just be grateful to have people in your life that even consider loving you, because not everybody does.
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